
Meaningful public and stakeholder consultation is important in shaping the outcome of this study. The Project Team has developed a consultation program that will:

  • Provide stakeholders with access to study information in a timely manner that enables them to provide input and participate in a meaningful way.
  • Engage the broader community and give consideration to all input and differing points of view.
  • Promote a cooperative and productive consultation environment that recognizes the value of dialogue and that everyone may not agree with every decision.

Two Public Information Centres (PICs) will be scheduled during this Study to provide interested individuals with the opportunity to learn more about the study process and provide feedback directly to the Project Team. PICs provide an opportunity for the public to discuss issues or concerns directly with members of the study team. The purpose of the first PIC will be to introduce the study to the public, provide background information, present the Problem and Opportunity Statements, identify the Alternatives to the undertaking and the associated screening level evaluation.  The purpose of the second PIC will be to present design and EA study updates since PIC #1 including the shortlist of interchange alternatives and their evaluation and the preliminary design Recommended Plan.

Information presented at each PIC will be available for review on the Consultation Page of this site.

Public Information Centre (PIC) #1 (Virtual)

Public Information Centre (PIC) #1 is currently available for review and comment beginning May 8, 2024 with a video presentation available until June 7, 2024.

The Project Team welcomes your participation and input!

Questions about this content? Submit them below and we will work to address your questions in a timely manner.

PIC #1 Materials

The following PIC materials are available below for review and download:

If you have any accessibility requirements in order to participate in this project, please contact one of the Project Team members through the Contact Us page.

Pour obtenir des renseignements en français, composer le 1-705-919-6786 (Patrick Hébert), Courriel:

How to Submit Comments

Comments are being collected to assist MTO with the design and to meet the requirements of the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. PIC #1 comments can be submitted from May 8, 2024, until June 7, 2024.

To obtain additional information, provide comments, or be placed on the project mailing list, please use one of the methods below:

  • An Electronic Comment Form (fillable form which can be filled out and submitted automatically online)
  • A Printable Comment Form (can be printed and filled out by hand). This form can also be downloaded, saved and filled out at a later date (before June 7, 2024) and sent to either of the contacts identified in the Contact Us section via email or mail.

The final notification for this undertaking will be to advise of the filing of the TESR for the 30-day public comment period.  The TESR will summarize and document the process completed and provide additional opportunity for interested persons to provide feedback.

All notices will be published in the following local newspapers (in English and French):

  • Kingston/Frontenac This Week
  • Kingston Whig-Standard

The notices will also be posted on this website and sent directly to all contacts on the study mailing list.

Members of the Project Team are available throughout the study to provide information and receive feedback.  This dialogue is key to meeting our study principles of transparency, openness, traceability, timeliness and accountability.  You can contact a member of the Project Team through the “Contact Us” section of the website for inquiries or to ask to be added to the study mailing list.

All input will be incorporated into the study findings and recommendations as appropriate.

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