Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Process

This study is following the approved planning process for a Group ‘B’ project under the MTO Class EA for Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000). Group B projects involve major improvements to provincial transportation facilities.  Two Public Information Centres (PIC) are planned at key milestones during this process.  A Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR) will be prepared at the close of Preliminary Design to document the study process including the evaluation of alternatives, the Preferred Plan, and a summary of commitments to future work. Upon completion of this study, the TESR will be placed on the public record for a 30-day public review period. Notifications advising of the PICs and the availability of the TESR during the 30-day comment period will be advertised in local newspapers and sent to the project mailing list.

There is an opportunity at any time during the study for interested persons to provide input to the Project Team including comments and information regarding the study.  If you have any accessibility requirements in order to participate in this project, please contact a member of the Project Team through the “Contact Us” section of the website.

Notice of Study Commencement

Fall 2021

Data Collection / Field Investigation / Mapping


Generate and Evaluate Preliminary Design Alternatives and Conduct Consultation with Stakeholders


Public Information Center #1

May 8th, 2024

Identify the Recommended Plan


Public Information Center #2

Anticipated Fall/Winter 2024

Transportation Environmental Study Report

(Available for a 30-day public comment period at a future date)


After the Class EA requirements are met, the project is cleared to proceed to Detail Design

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