About the Project

The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has retained the services of AECOM to undertake a Preliminary Design and Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) Study for the replacement of two bridges that are approaching the end of their service life on Highway 401 including the Eastbound (EB) Collins Creek Bridge and Sydenham Road Bridge that are located within the City of Kingston. The study will focus on determining the structural needs of the aging bridges within the study area as well as accommodating the future footprint of Highway 401, preliminary construction staging, and traffic management needs.

The study also includes:

  • Determining the need for interchange improvements at Sydenham Road and Highway 401 for future operations; and
  • Developing a preliminary traffic management plan for Kingston Road 38 bridge replacement and a new eastbound on-ramp. The need for a Kingston Road 38 bridge replacement and a new eastbound on-ramp was identified in a previous MTO Class EA (GWP 4049-11-00 Highway 401/Kingston Road 38 Interchange Operational Improvements) completed in 2016.

The details of the proposed work will be further developed as the Preliminary Design progresses and will be presented to the public and agencies at two future Public Information Centres.

60662727 CR38 PIC#1 Study Map_Feb-28-2024_Eng_FINAL

Other MTO Highway 401 Improvement Projects in Proximity

The current undertaking is one of several Highway 401 improvement projects initiated by the MTO to address the existing and future needs of the corridor.

Other ongoing area projects include the following:

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